Registration FAQs

  • When will the annual meeting take place?
    The American Musicological Society (AMS) will meet 11-12 & 20-21 November 2021.

  • When will the schedule for the conference be made available?
    The preliminary program schedule is now available. Begin planning your conference experience now!

  • When can I register and what will it cost?
    Early registration will be available on or before 23 July 2021 through 30 September 2021. Regular registration rates are in effect from 1 October 2021 through 21 November 2021. See registration rate table below.

    Registration Rates

    Rate CategoryEarly (7/23/2021–9/30/2021)Regular (10/1/2021–11/21/2021)
    AMS MembersStudent, retired, or low-income$70.00$100.00
    Non-MembersStudent, retired, or low-income$165.00$175.00

  • Are there ways to have the registration fee waived?
    Yes! 2021 Annual Meeting volunteers receive a waiver of the registration fee in exchange for six hours of service. Visit the AMS website to learn how to volunteer.

  • Can I register a group for the 2021 Annual Meeting?
    Yes, you can register groups of 15 or more students for the Annual Meeting using the group registration form. Information on group registration is available on the group registration page.

  • Do graduate students require institutional affiliation to qualify for the student group registration rate?
    No. Groups of 15 or more graduate students qualify for the group registration rate, regardless of institutional affiliation.

  • I'm not an AMS member. How do I register?
    Become an AMS member now and save up to $140 on Annual Meeting registration! Non-members must register at the non-member rate. See registration rate table above.

  • Is there a cancellation policy?
    Yes. Refund requests will be honored if received on or before 25 October 2021 and are subject to a $20 processing fee.

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Conference FAQs

  • Who do I contact for help?
    For technical help with the Whova event platform and Zoom questions, please contact confhelp@iu.edu.
    For registration, program scheduling, or administrative questions, please contact the AMS office at ams@amsmusicology.org.

  • Is there anything attendees should do to prepare for the Annual Meeting?
    Attendees will be given early access to the online event platform to view presentation videos and other materials in advance of scheduled sessions. Attendees should come prepared to the scheduled sessions on the program, as this time will be used to engage in live Q&A with session presenters, participate in live workshops, etc.

  • Is there anything chairs and presenters should do to prepare for the Annual Meeting?
    Chairs and presenters should watch the Presenter & Chair training video. The video has everything they need to know about what to expect on the session day, including how to how to access the event platform and set up their profile, how to access and manage their session, and best practices for presenters and chairs. To further ensure that chairs and presenters are comfortable presenting during their session, we have also scheduled a live Q&A session on Thursday, 4 November at 3:00pm CT / 4:00pm ET. The session will run 30-40 minutes to allow ample time for questions. If chairs and presenters have any questions or would like to receive access information for the live Q&A session, please contact the AMS Office at ams@amsmusicology.org.

  • What accommodations are available for individuals with disabilities?
    We will be using Zoom captioning for live sessions and are requesting that pre-recorded videos and presentations include either a transcript or captioning. If you require an accommodation that isn't already listed and would like to submit a request, please do so by contacting the AMS office at ams@amsmusicology.org. We will accommodate registered attendees as best we can.

  • Are there opportunities to volunteer?
    Yes! Information on volunteer opportunities for the 2021 Annual Meeting is available on the AMS website. Volunteers must be current members of the Society. The deadline to apply is 15 September 2021.

  • Will there be opportunities to network and socialize?
    Yes. There will be many opportunities to network, socialize, and connect with colleagues and friends.

  • Will there be an exhibit hall?
    Yes, we will have an exhibit hall available to all registrants.

  • Will there be a program book?
    Absolutely. The preliminary program is now available as a publicly accessible and fully searchable digital program.

  • How do I reserve an exhibit booth or program book ad?
    View packages for exhibitors, advertisers, and networking event organizers.
    View packages for sponsors.

  • Are presenters and chairs required to register for the Annual Meeting?
    Yes, presenters and chairs are required to register for the AMS Annual Meeting.

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Proposal FAQs

  • I have submitted a proposal to the AMS previously. Do I need to create a new account to submit a proposal for 2021?
    Yes. Even if you have submitted a proposal to the AMS in a previous year, you will need to create a new account to submit a proposal for the 2021 Annual Meeting.

  • When are proposals due?
    Proposals for sessions and performances are due 16 February. Committee and Study Group Proposals are due 16 April.

  • What is the Alternate Years Rule and to which proposal types does it apply?
    The Alternate Years Rule states that those who participated in any of the six presentation formats included in last year's CFP may not submit a proposal for any of the presentation formats included in this year's CFP. The six presentation formats include Individual Papers, Sessions, Workshops, Roundtables, Films, and Poster presentations.

  • Are there exceptions to the Alternate Years Rule?
    Study Group- and Committee-sponsored events are not vetted by the Program Committee and therefore not subject to the Alternate Years Rule.

  • I want to submit a proposal for a Roundtable, Workshop, or Film. Can I also submit a regular Individual Paper proposal?
    No, only one proposal per person is permitted for any of the six proposal types included in the CFP.

  • I participated in a Workshop in 2020. Can I submit an Individual Paper proposal for 2021?
    No, those who participated in any of the CFP's six presentation formats at the 2020 AMS meeting may not submit proposals for any of the CFP's six presentation formats for the 2021 meeting. This includes Individual Papers, Sessions, Workshops, Roundtables, Films, and Poster presentations.

  • I only participated in a Study Group's event in 2020. Can I submit a proposal for 2021?
    Yes, Study Group- and Committee-sponsored events are not vetted by the Program Committee and therefore not subject to the Alternate Years Rule.

  • Can I submit a paper proposal and also participate in a roundtable?
    No, an individual may participate in any one of the presentation formats included in the CFP and appear one other time on the program as a chair or as a respondent. No one may appear on the program more than twice.

  • Can I submit two different proposals (ex. a paper and a workshop) in case one of them isn't accepted?
    No, only one proposal per person is allowed, even if the proposals are for different types of presentations.

  • May I submit two paper proposals if they are on entirely different subjects?
    No, only one proposal per person is allowed.

  • I'm submitting a Session proposal. Where do I include the name of the proposed session chair or respondent? Should I include participant names?
    Please include the name of your proposed session chair or respondent in the fields provided on the submission form. Add "Author information" for all participants using the "Add Co-Author" button found at the bottom of the form. Please do not include participant names in the body of the summary text; the proposal read by the committee should be anonymous.

  • May I submit a proposal even if I am not a member?

  • I prefer email: can I just email my proposal to you?
    No. Emailed proposal submissions will not be considered.

  • Are proposals read anonymously (i.e., with the names of participants hidden from the committee)?
    Mostly. Roundtable, Workshop, and Film proposals are read openly, and all the names of participants are given to readers (and should be included in the proposal). But individual proposals and sessions are read anonymously until the final stages of the committee's work.

  • My proposal has more than one author; how do I indicate that in the online system?
    Use the "Add Co-Author" button found at the bottom of the submission form to add a co-author.

  • I am planning a Study Group or Committee session and would like to invite a guest speaker. Is funding available?
    Yes. Grants of up to $1,500 will be considered. Proposals are due 22 January 2021. Visit the AMS website for additional information.

  • I am organizing a Study Group proposal. How do I submit this for Program Committee consideration?
    Although Study Group (and Committee) session proposals are not vetted by the Program Committee, a proposal submission form is available at the submission site for Study Group and Committee session organizers to use.

  • Can I volunteer as a proposal reviewer?
    AMS members with a PhD in musicology or a related field, but who are not submitting a proposal, are eligible to serve. Sign-up forms are due 1 February 2021.

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