Meeting Timeline


10 December: Calls for session proposals, performances, and Committee/Study Group proposals published.


7 JanuaryCalls for reviewers published.

22 January: Committee and Study Group guest speaker fund applications due.

1 February: Deadline to volunteer as a reviewer.

3 February: Committee and Study Group guest speaker fund decisions announced.

16 February: Proposals for sessions and performances due.

25 March: Calls for chair volunteers published.

16 April: Committee, Study Group, and CAM Special Call proposals due.

7 May: Deadline to volunteer as a chair.

Mid-May: Performance Committee decisions announced.

Late May: Program Committee decisions announced.

7 June: Deadline for editing accepted proposals.

Mid-July: Chair volunteer assignments announced.

Mid-JulyPreliminary conference schedule available.

20 July: Early registration opens.

15 September: Deadline to apply to serve as a conference volunteer

17 September: Deadline to upload exhibitoradvertiserevent organizer, and sponsor materials for the Preliminary Conference Program Guide.

30 SeptemberEarly registration ends.

4 October: Deadline for presenters and chairs to register.

15 October: Deadline to upload presenter materials.

22 October: Deadline to upload exhibitoradvertiserevent organizer, and sponsor materials for the Final Conference Program Guide.

29 October: Deadline to apply to mentoring opportunities.

5 November: Deadline to apply to networking opportunities.

5 November: Deadline for interested departments to register a table for the Meet and Greet for Prospective Graduate Students.

11-12 & 20-21 November: AMS Annual Meeting.

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