CAM Special Call: Professional Development Session Proposals

The AMS Committee on the Annual Meeting (CAM) is interested in significantly increasing the number and variety of professional development sessions available to attendees of the 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS). In service of this goal, CAM is calling for proposals from AMS study groups, chapters, and committees for professional development workshops, roundtables, and paper sessions to be submitted as part of a special professional development track. Proposals are due 16 April 2021, 11:59pm EDT.

The Committee on the Annual Meeting hopes to schedule professional development sessions on a variety of topics supporting the needs and interests of the Society's diverse constituency. Thus, it welcomes proposals for sessions that are either 1) broadly applicable to those trained or working in musicology, music pedagogy, music performance, music theory, music analysis, and related fields, or 2) highly targeted and focused on the challenges, needs, and concerns of discrete constituencies trained or working in those areas.  

For the purposes of this call, a "professional development session" is understood to mean any workshop, roundtable, or paper session primarily focused on helping participants do one or more of the following:

  1. acquire and improve work-related skills, including archival and pedagogical skills, strategies for increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in workplaces, and more; 
  2. better understand and navigate the processes of entering or advancing in a particular career or line of work (including devising strategies for navigating specific challenges or constraints); 
  3. build stronger and more supportive networks of peers and colleagues.

This CAM Special Call is limited and may only be answered by the designated leaders or representatives of existing AMS study groups, chapters, and committees submitting on behalf of their group. Proposals accepted in answer to this call will be designated in the annual meeting program as "organized by" the submitting study group, chapter, or committee. Proposals accepted in response to this call will be supplementary to any existing guaranteed study group or committee session allocation.

To further facilitate organizing in response to this Call, the Committee on the Annual Meeting is also pushing back the existing deadline for the submission of all committee and study group session proposals for the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting. Formerly 15 March, the new deadline for the submission of all study group, chapter, and committee sessions, whether as guaranteed sessions or in answer to this CAM special call, is 16 April 2021, 11:59pm EDT

Application Restrictions

Excluding guaranteed study group and committee sessions, no one may appear on the AMS Annual Meeting program more than twice. However, for the purpose of this special call, the Committee on the Annual Meeting has suspended the alternate years rule. Thus, those who appeared on the program for the 2020 AMS Annual Meeting are eligible to be included in proposals for this 2021 CAM Special Call. 

Submission Procedure

The submission form for proposing sessions in response to this CAM Special Call will become available on or before 5 March 2021. Proposals must be received by 11:59 p.m. EDT, 16 April 2021. Proposals are to be submitted electronically on the AMS 2021 annual meeting site. Please note that proposal submission ceases precisely at the deadline. To avoid technical problems with submission please submit at least twenty-four hours before the deadline. Proposals received after the deadline cannot be considered.

Notifications of the Committee on the Annual Meeting's decisions will be sent in late May. High-quality sessions that cannot be accommodated on the Annual Meeting program may be offered the opportunity to convene as AMS-sponsored events at another time in the program year.

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